
新北京 新奥运 新地铁

5 Responses to “DSC01267”

  1. Soong Li says:

    I’m so sick of this NEW,new what new

  2. skylee says:

    So how is the “new” subway? Do they still use those little paper tickets?

  3. Roddy says:

    It’s the same as the old subway. They are apparently phasing in new smart cards from May, but we’ll see how well they work . . .

    Amusingly, on line #13 which now uses little magnetic card tickets, they still keep two 阿姨s standing by to tell you what to do, so they don’t really save any money anyway.

  4. skylee says:

    “Amusingly, on line #13 which now uses little magnetic card tickets, they still keep two 阿姨s standing by to tell you what to do, so they don’t really save any money anyway. ”

    Yeah it was like this when I was in Beijing last spring.

  5. Mike in Jubei says:

    Do they have a subway map that shows all the lines yet? It seems like when I am in Beijing all I see in the station is the “circle line” and the line that run east and west.

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